Accreditation of CMHC Teslic

Continuation of the cooperation of the RS Agency for Certification, Accreditation and Health Care Quality Improvement with the Association XY on the Mental Health Project is realised through activities undertaken to achieve the project goal „Promotion of the Accreditation Process of the Community Mental Health Centres (CMHC) in Republic of Srpska“.

As a part of these activities, external assessment in the accreditation process of CMHC Teslic was organised on Wednesday May 29, 2013. The registered assessors of the Agency through external assessment on the spot, with the use of standard accreditation methods, verified fulfilment of all necessary conditions. In accordance with the assessment report the Agency’s accreditation commission with great pleasure awarded the accreditation status to CMHC Teslic.

CMHC Teslic is the sixth CMHC team to be accredited as a part of the Mental Health Project in Republic of Srpska. The Agency uses this opportunity to thank management of Primary Health Care Centre Teslic and all employees in CMHC with its head Bosko DJuric MD for recognizing the importance of accreditation in health care quality system as well as for initiative and efforts invested in successful realization of CMHC Teslic accreditation process.

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