
Accreditation is a formal procedure by which an acknowledged body evaluates and confirms that a health care institution fulfils predefined and published accreditation standards related to it.

Acknowledged body that organizes auditing in the Republic of Srpska is the Agency for Certification, Accreditation and Health Care Improvement of the Republic of Srpska (ASKVA).

In accordance with the RS Law on Health Care (RS Official Gazette 57/22) accreditation process is voluntary and is conducted upon a request.

Accreditation standards are statements and expectations of patients, health professionals, managers and others, providing the basis for auditing of health care institutions.

Accreditation standards are developed and reviewed by professional associations of health care professionals and associates, as well as health care institutions representatives in cooperation with the Agency; and brought by the RS Minister of Health and Social Welfare on ASKVA’s suggestion.

Accreditation of health care institutions is a recognized and widespread comprehensive method of health care quality improvement around the world, both in developed and in developing and transitional countries, that eases managing of institutions and contributes:

  • Effectiveness (better clinical outcomes),
  • Introduction of organisational changes and
  • Improvement of organisational culture.