Accreditation process
The Law on Health Care mandates accreditation procedure. Accreditation procedure is mandated by the RS Minister of Health and Social Welfare in the Rulebook and conducted by ASKVA.
After publishing accreditation regulations and standards, a health care institution submits request for accreditation; after processing the request, documentation is being evaluated and self-assessment conducted, followed by auditing on the spot. Auditing is conducted by auditors, peer professionals trained to perform auditing.
Audit on the spot is conducted by:
- Observation (premises and equipment);
- Interview with MD/denstist/pharmacist;
- Interview with other team members;
- Direct observation of activities in team/clinic/office;
- Examination of medical documentation (book of procedures, rulebooks, medical charts, home visit plans, prevention plans etc.);
- Surveying patients.
Auditing is preformed at the health care institution in a way that does not interfere every day work. After auditing on the spot, auditors write a report on auditing findings that serves as a basis for commission’s final recommendation. According to the commission’s recommendation, the ASKVA director shall award accreditation certificate.
Accreditation status with regular monitoring lasts for up to five years followed by reaccreditation.