Certification standards

Auditing of health care institution is conducted by certification standards. Self-assessment of health care institution that are in process of preparation for certification can also be done by using the standards. 

Certification standards are focused on safety of patients as well as of all others included in process of providing health care services.

Certification standards are designed and reviewed by ASKVA, and on its proposal, brought by the RS Minister of Health and Social Welfare.

Certification standards are designed for all types of health care institutions and include following basic groups:

  • Institution management;
  • Competent and capable staff;
  • Safe environment both for staff and patients;
  • Properly handled medical documentation and
  • Safety improvement.

Design of standards

While developing certification standards for RS health care institutions, the Commission for Developing Standards, appointed by the RS Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, followed internationally recognized principles for standards development (ALPHA program). It means that certification standards meet following principles:

  • Key concept includes all standards, regardless of their specific content;
  • Type of standard is clearly defined (related to structure, process or outcome);
  • Scope of standard is clearly defined;
  • Content of standard is comprehensive and with clear structure;
  • Standards are formulated through well defined process;
  • Standards enable consistent measurement.

Certification standards for health care institutions shall also have following main characteristics:

  • They are relevant (have a meaning);
  • They are comprehensible (are well designed);
  • They are measurable (can be reliably evaluated by trained auditors);
  • They are attainable (can be fulfilled by audited institutions).

Certification standards are based on relevant laws and bylaws of entities and state levels related to health care, safety at work, drugs and medical means, medical documentation etc. Standards also contain requirements of professional associations (e.g. licensing of health professionals).

Standards, criteria, indicators

Design and structure of certification standards are based on the accreditation standards of health care institutions in the Republic of Srpska.


Rulebook on the standards for certification of health care institutions 

The Rulebook on the standards for certification of health care institutions and has been adopted by the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare of the Republic of Srpska and published in the RS Official Gazette 40/12 (downloade here); and the Rulebooks on amendments of the Rulebook on the standards for certification of health care institutions in RS Official Gazette 11/13 and 84/14 (download here and here).